
Tox, Toxin, Neurotoxin, or Neuromodulators are injectable medications that relax muscles. Common brand names for the toxin are Botox®, Jeuveau®, Xeomin®, Dysport®, Daxxify®. This relaxing of muscle tension results in an overall smoothing of wrinkles primarily on the forehead, in between eyebrows, crow’s feet, and around the mouth. Tox is also great for wrinkle prevention and treats a wide variety of issues like excessive sweating and migraines. Be You Aesthetic in Riverdale, Utah is equipped to handle all of your tox needs.


All about tox.

Injectable neuromodulators relax muscles which gives a smoothing effect on wrinkles and lines on the skin. There is a wide variety of brands with different ingredient compounds, the most widely recognized brand being BOTOX® Cosmetic. At Be You Aesthetic, we use a variety of neuromodulators not limited to Xeomin®, Jeuveau®, and Dysport®. Although there are slightly different ingredients in each brand, all brands contain Botulinum toxin that gives a relaxing effect on wrinkles and typically lasts the same amount of time which is 3-6 months.

Treatment options.

Neuromodulators can treat a variety of areas on the face and body, for a variety of reasons. The amount of toxin you will need depends on the strength of your wrinkles as well as the area being treated. For very deep lines, tox can help soften the look but may not be able to completely remove them. Here is a list of the most popular Tox Treatments we provide at Be You Aesthetic:

  • Forehead lines- the horizontal lines that appear in the center of the forehead or frontalis muscle (10-30 units)

  • Glabellar lines- the vertical lines between the eyebrows (10-25 units)

  • Bunny lines- lines across the bridge of the nose (5-10 units)

  • Crow’s feet- the lateral lines that extend from the outer corners of your eyes usually most visible when smiling, laughing, or squinting or periorbital rhytids (10-25 units)

  • Dimpled chin- chin dimples resembling an orange peel (5-10 units)

  • Eyebrow lift- lifting effect on eyebrows to reduce hooding (2-5 units)

  • Lip flip- injected just above the lip to relax which relaxes the lip, causing it to lift and show more lip surface area, giving the appearance of fuller lips (4-8 units)

  • Gummy smile- relaxes the muscles that lift your lip, reducing the appearance of gums (4-8 units)

  • Masseter- Lower jaw muscles that give the appearance of a squared jaw, this muscle can also cause TMJ/Bruxism (20-40 units)

  • Nefertiti neck lift- lifting effect that relaxes platysma muscles that stick out when you flex your neck giving the chicken neck appearance (25-50 units)

  • Hyperhidrosis- excessive sweating can be reduced by blocking the signals to the sweat glands, decreasing perspiration but still allowing for function (50-100 units)

before treatment

We will take your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate for the Tox treatment. Next, during your complimentary consultation, you will receive a comprehensive facial examination to determine which areas can be treated. During your consultation we will discuss your beauty goals and budget, then create a custom skincare plan. We will discuss the potential benefits and complications involved in the procedure and I will make sure all questions are answered prior to starting the treatment.

during treatment

I will assess your facial anatomy to determine which muscles to target to smooth lines and wrinkles. Once I have determined the best points of injection, I will use a very small needle to deliver the right dosage of tox for your desired results. The injections will feel like small pinches, numbing medication is not usually provided due to the broad area of treatment and the lingering effects of topical numbing. However, my goal is to make sure you are comfortable as possible. All treatments are done using an aseptic technique.


I will give you specific written instructions to ensure the tox doesn’t migrate outside of the area I injected. You will be able to resume your daily activities and begin to see results within a week. Maximum effectiveness will occur in 3-4 weeks lasting anywhere from 3-6 months depending on your usage of the muscles. We will schedule a 2-week follow-up appointment where we can touch up any areas necessary. It is recommended to get injections every 3 months. Each time you come back there will be less tox required, as the muscles that cause wrinkles will atrophy.

The process


The process 〰️


  • Clients in good health in the 20-70 age range who want to reduce their lines and wrinkles. We will also evaluate you to determine which treatment is right for you. Some factors which disqualify you as a candidate are if you have a history of Neuromuscular disease or are on blood thinners.

  • You will see a change within a few days, however, maximum effectiveness takes 3-4 full weeks. The treatment will last anywhere from 3-6 months depending on the strength of the muscle treated.

  • Each treatment is tailored to the look you would like to acheive. As a general rule I like to start light and then add more because most people do not want the fully frozen look.

  • Each person metabolizes/reacts to medications differently. You can expect tox to last anywhere between 3-6 months.

  • Do not wear make up where you plan to have the treatment done the day of the appointment. Do not drink alcohol or take anything that will thin your blood such as Ibuprofen, fish oil, or aspirin 24 hrs prior to treatment.

  • The most common side effects are bruising and small bumps that resolve within a week. You may experience a headache that will go away after about 24-48 hrs. There is a potential for asymmetry which we can correct at the 2-week appointment.